
欧美流行乐 美国喜剧 英国时代剧 大陆剧 韩国脑洞漫画 没有花痴女的韩剧 台剧 背单词 英音 狗狗 ,Chanel No19, MAC DIVA ,指甲油 美黑 梦 新西兰 英国 澳大利亚

A bad dream I had last night :
It was in 1964,I was in a huanted house which was all dark brown inside. No matter how hard I tried to walk steadily, I always slipped and fell.In the centre of the living room, there is a spiral stair which lead to a suspended corridor connecting the left side and the right side of the house. A 14-year -old boy was running through the corridor from left to right ,but I can't see his face !!!!The only thing I heard was his footsteps !!!
